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Miss You

2024-06-03 20:02| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

You-ooh 你们-噢 You-ooh 你们-噢 Yeah, you know 耶 你们明白 You know, you know, I’ve always needed you 你们明白 我一直需要你们的陪伴 You know, you know, I really really miss you 你们明白 我是如此真切地思念着你们 What if I closed my eyes and drifted ‘til forever to find you? 如果我闭上双眼 于时光长河中漂泊至永恒 我能与你们重逢吗? What if I stop seeing 如果我再也无法看见 The parts of you that live within me? 你们残存于我心中的灵魂 我该如何是好? What if I stop feeling 如果我再也无法感受到 The strength that you’d insist is in me? 你们坚信我所拥有的力量 我该如何是好? My deepest fears might all come true 也许我心中的恐惧会成为现实 But I will try to keep my cool 但我一定会让自己冷静下来 Long as I keep breathing 只要我一息尚存 I’ll do my best to be like you 我一定会尽我所能 去成为像你们一样的人 They say that time will mend 人们都说 时光会治愈 Any kind of aching heart 心中所有的伤痛 But I still wonder when 可我仍然不知 The healing will begin 心中的伤痕 何时能开始愈合 You know, you know, I’ve always needed you 你们明白 我一直需要你们的陪伴 You know, you know, I really really miss you 你们明白 我是如此真切地思念着你们 What if I closed my eyes and drifted ‘til forever to find you? 如果我闭上双眼 于时光长河中漂泊至永恒 我能与你们重逢吗? Would you be looking for me too? 你们是不是也在寻觅我呢? Would you be looking for me too? 你们是不是也在寻觅我呢? What if I closed my eyes and drifted ‘til forever to find you? 如果我闭上双眼 于时光长河中漂泊至永恒 我能与你们重逢吗? What if I stop hearing 如果我再也无法听见 This heart that’s only beating for you? (You) 那只为你们而搏动的心跳 我该如何是好? What if tonight when I’m dreaming 如果今夜 在我入梦之时 You’re not right there like you’re supposed to be? 我依旧无法在梦境中寻得你们的身影 该如何是好? They say that time will mend (Time will mend) 人们都说 时光会治愈 Any kind of aching heart (Ooh yeah) 心中所有的伤痛 But I still wonder when 可我仍然不知 The healing will begin 心中的伤痕 何时能开始愈合 You know, you know, I’ve always needed you 你们明白 我一直需要你们的陪伴 You know, you know, I really really miss you 你们明白 我是如此真切地思念着你们 What if I closed my eyes and drifted ‘til forever to find you? 如果我闭上双眼 于时光长河中漂泊至永恒 我能与你们重逢吗? Would you be looking for me too? 你们是不是也在寻觅我呢? Would you be looking for me too? 你们是不是也在寻觅我呢? What if I closed my eyes and drifted ‘til forever to find you? 如果我闭上双眼 于时光长河中漂泊至永恒 我能与你们重逢吗? Some mornings I just can’t get up because the whole wide world put its weight on me 有时 早晨我甚至不敢睁眼 因为我真切感受到 这片大地给予我的重担 But that’s when I remind myself to open up the gift that you gave to me 但这时 我就会提醒自己 再去看看你们留给我的礼物 My eyes like yours 我也拥有了 像你们一样的眼神 Eyes that say, “I can take on anything and everything” 那眼神告诉我“我也是能独当一面的人了” I just wish you could see who I’ve become 我多希望你们能看见 我已成长为现在的样子 You know, you know, I’ve always needed you 你们明白 我一直需要你们的陪伴 You know, you know, I really really miss you 你们明白 我是如此真切地思念着你们 What if I closed my eyes and drifted ‘til forever to find you? 如果我闭上双眼 于时光长河中漂泊至永恒 我能与你们重逢吗? Would you be looking for me too? 你们是不是也在寻觅我呢? Would you be looking for me too? 你们是不是也在寻觅我呢? What if I closed my eyes and drifted ‘til forever to find you? 如果我闭上双眼 于时光长河中漂泊至永恒 我能与你们重逢吗? You-ooh 你们-噢 You-ooh 你们-噢






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